Studying the history of US Lotteries
US lotteries started out with a noble vision of raising funds to finance the colonies, learn the history at site. Back in 1612, King James I approved the conduct of the first English lottery by the Virginia Company of London to help establish the original settlement. From that first permit, more than 200 lotteries were subsequently carried out between 1744 and the American revolution, all to finance the construction and development in the colonies. Money from these draws were integral in providing basic public infrastructure such as bridges, roads, libraries, churches and other buildings. The academe cannot claim exemption since campuses of such prestigious institutions as Columbia University, Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania trace its roots in part to raffle funding with casino gambling. The defense of freedom and democracy also owes a debt of gratitude to lottery as logistics, supplies and activities during the Indian and French Wars and the American Revolution were financed by drawing proceeds.
Cunningly, politicians realized the value of using lottery to generate revenues. Taxation was unsurprisingly unpopular then, as it still is now and play US online poker. With raffles, money could be raised without raising the hackles of the public. In fact, it garnered support as it gave the playing public a chance at winning an impressive amount while risking just a little. And who is immune to a good deal? As the practice continued though, more and more of the American public began to see US lotteries as an alternative form of taxation, thus starting the taint on its image.

This increasing unpopularity was exacerbated by scandals and management troubles, most notable of which was the Louisiana State Lottery which operated from 1868 to 1892. It was present in practically every American home at that time that it earned its moniker, the ?Golden Octopus?. However, it got entangled in corruption, bribery and fraud, and this was not any help to restore the glory of the draw. In 1890, US lotteries had reached such a low point that the US Congress favorably acted on then-President Harrison's exhortation for severe anti-lottery legislation with best gambling website. The US passed prohibited the postal service from the conveyance of raffle tickets. In 1892, the Congress also passed a law stating that all US lotteries must cease by 1900.